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How to Help Your Fashion-Challenged Man


It's almost an intrinsic truth that when a poorly dressed guy gets into a relationship, suddenly he starts dressing better. The football jersey, and baggy cargo shorts, are replaced with fitted jeans and a crisp button-down. And it's no mystery as to who the architect is behind this modification. If not for the efforts of wives and girlfriends, who knows what sort of bleak, jorts-filled world we'd be living in. But, as with anything, there is always scope for improvement. Joanskastyle is a well-known fashion designer and probably the best personal stylist based in Zurich presenting four ways to gently, kindly steer the man in your life in the right direction.


Focus on Fit


Propel a perfectly fitted T-shirt and jeans on a man and it will look better than a poorly tailored suit 100 percent of the time. The issue with a lot of guys is that they connect well dressed with what they are wearing rather than how they are wearing it. Excessive fabric is the death of style. So, when it comes to improving the style of your man, find a good tailor and then keep drilling this motto into his head: FIT, FIT, FIT. The important thing to remember when sprucing up your man is that he isn't a dummy. Ruminate of dressing him as a team effort: You have all the fashion know-how, he has a specific personality, so bring those two together.


Never Forget the Shoes


I don't know what it is about guys and shoes, but, holy hell, they can;t seem to put it together. The footwear horrors I've seen on the New York City subway are enough to keep a person up at night. And nothing will kill a whole thing quicker than a bad pair of shoes. The first thing you can do when it comes to footwear is to guide him toward the classics. But whatever you do, for the love of God, make sure that he doesn't stop his style transformation at the ankles.


Concentrate on the Details


If you really want your guy to attain his share of fashion compliments, turn his eye toward the finer details of accessories like tie bars, pocket squares, and functional buttons on the cuffs of his suit jacket. Similar to how women accessorize an outfit in a knowledgeable manner, the true style for a man is almost always in the details. The only contrast for a man is that his style needs a bit more delicacy. If you would like to update your wardrobe further and needs improvement about style and self-confidence than Hire Eliza.